Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lenten Reflections, Part VIII - The Color Purple

Seems a little odd sometimes that the color associated with Lent is purple -- the same color associated with the elite in ancient Roman society, the color of the Emperor himself.  It's an awfully majestic color for a season in which humility is the main course.  Why not something a little more understated, a bit more subdued?  Because "Jesus Christ, though in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.  Rather, He emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave..."  The ruler of all things, Creator of the universe, humbled Himself for our sakes, and we commemorate His sacrifice in this (and many other) ways.

Quick update from the world of family medicine -- if you're on home oxygen, please stop smoking.  Especially if you're actively using said oxygen with a nasal cannula.  No, it's not "just air."  But I guess if you really like fireworks, go ahead -- just don't blame me when I'm trying to take care of the third degree burns on your face and your partially denuded scalp.  This has been a public service announcement.

Anyway, don't know if any of the above post makes any sense.  I'm a little out of it tonight.  Hope everyone is doing well...till next time, peace and God bless!

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