Friday, September 24, 2010

Quick wrap

I'll have to push back my more extensive comments till tomorrow, but here are some quick hits from the day:
-The Ob-Gyn test is basically written to force any pro-life students to choose between their beliefs and their grades.  Nearly a third of the questions on the exam dealt with abortion and contraception, and many of them were value-laden (e.g. "most appropriate contraception," "best method of terminating the pregnancy," "what counseling would you offer about abortion" and the like).  It was not a fair test, it did not reflect course content or learning objectives, and it punished pro-life students for our beliefs.  Assuming I pass the exam, I'll be having a chat with the dean about that little gem.
-Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by the residents but still worn down by the clerkship.  Being immersed in an environment like the one at Magee takes a significant toll and I think it'll be a while before I'm entirely over the effects.
-Something I never mentioned and have been meaning to...the ID badges we were given at Magee didn't have pictures, so most of my classmates opted to display their Presby photo IDs.  My little protest during the rotation was to display my Children's Hospital badge, a reminder that the kids (whether born or unborn) are our patients too.  It probably didn't make much of a difference, but at least it was something.
-The meeting with the new pro-life group was very promising and gives me hope that in the near future pro-life students will have viable options that will not suck every last drop of life out of them.  However, it also reiterated the scope of the problem here and just how hostile an environment this is.

Ok, that's it for now.  Hopefully a more considered post will follow tomorrow or Sunday.  Till then, peace and God bless!

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