Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Bah. It's kind of sad that the biggest roadblock we've run into with this simulation project so far is determining which review board should be overseeing it. Is it the IRB, quality control, someone else? Does it even really need review? Do we meet the definition of "working with human subjects" or not? Gah, it's all so confusing. What I wouldn't give to be at the ropes course. Or at Still River.

Anyway, the upshot is that the rest of the research is going swimmingly. The OR director and guy in charge of surgery (I have NO idea what his official title is, but from the sounds of things, he's pretty important) were both much more enthusiastic than I thought they would be, and offered to help in any way they could. With them on board, things just got a WHOLE lot easier.

Of course, since I'm trying to design a simulation about surgery, it would be foolish to do so without experience, right? So tomorrow morning at 6:45, I'll be heading into the OR at Presby for the first time. Not gonna lie, I'm a tiny little bit excited about that. I mean, sure, the three golden rules for med students in the OR are 1) Don't touch anything! 2) ESPECIALLY don't touch anything in the sterile field! and 3) DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!!!, but hey, it's a new experience and a kind of medicine I've never seen before. It'll be good.

Also, got my new CHP ID badge yesterday...peds ED, here I come! So among the OR, the CHP ED, and the Presby ED, hopefully I'll get to spend lots of time with patients this summer. Now THAT'S exciting!

Ok, that's all for now. I'll have more in the near future, I'm sure.

Peace and God bless!

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