Monday, March 21, 2011

Sacrifice and suffering, part I

So this is an internal debate I have with myself from time to time...usually right after a shelf exam when I don't want anything vaguely medical violating my precious neurons for a couple of days.  It's kind of a long topic, and I don't think I'll be getting through it tonight.  As we've established previously, the concept of sacrifice is central to Lent.  But how does sacrifice relate to suffering?  Suffering, if I understand it properly, is not in itself a good thing.  For suffering to be a good, it must have a purpose; furthermore, the one who is suffering must accept that purpose (or, at the very least, must accept that the suffering has some purpose despite being unable to comprehend fully what it might be).  It is not itself a good; rather, without the context of purpose and acceptance, suffering is an evil.  Practically speaking, I think it's pretty hard to claim otherwise.  And that which is evil is never to be sought after, especially for its own sake.  So then the question becomes "what is sacrifice?"  After all, we're deliberately giving things up, making life a little harder for ourselves (sometimes a LOT harder).  Does that mean that by our sacrifice we're seeking out suffering?  That's the thought to ponder tonight, and that's where I'll start from tomorrow.

Till next time, peace and God bless!

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