Friday, March 18, 2011

Reflections on reflecting

All right, I've got to admit, this is harder than I thought it would be.  It's challenging to come up with a new topic to write about every night, and equally so to do some of these topics justice.  But part of the reason I'm doing this is because it's challenging.  It forces me to think -- every night -- about Lent, about my faith, about so many different things.  It gives me no choice but to open my mind and my heart, even if only a smidge.  All of my Lenten resolutions in the past have been of the "giving things up" variety.  Some of those were pretty challenging, but none of them forced me to spend at least a little time in contemplation about why I was doing something crazy (like giving up chocolate).  Sure, I'm familiar with the theory that you're supposed to give up something that hurts at least a little bit, but I think now it's a lot more valuable when it's coupled with a sacrifice of "taking on" rather than "giving up."

Unfortunately, there's not much to tell from the world of family medicine today.  The patients were pretty straightforward, most of the difficult families were gone (along with one or two of the really great ones), and all our admissions came to us because of foul-ups somewhere in the chain of communication.  Still, though, I have to say that my experience here has been far better than I ever expected.  If not for the useless busy work they insist on forcing us to complete, this would be a really good clerkship.  As it is, I'll be singing the praises of the Altoona placement, but I'm still frustrated by the rotation itself. that I think about it, the experience with somewhat extended drives might also come in handy...

Anyway, that's all from me for tonight.  Back tomorrow with further writing (that maybe three people will read...including me.  Twice.)  Hope everyone's doing well...peace and God bless!

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