Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Stress reduction

With the cardiology exam rapidly approaching (Saturday morning), I've been swamped and a little stressed lately (hence the lack of new posts). Thus, I'm going to steal another idea from Sara (I, uh, may need to start paying her royalties or something...) and spend a little time mentioning some of the people and things I'm really grateful for.

Two and a half days with nothing to worry about but studying -- and incidentally being able to avoid the scary crowds of protesters swamping the city on the eve of the G-20.

Incredibly cute newborns in the neonatology unit and NICU with excellent prognoses.

A PalPittations rehearsal without any disruptive influences...singing is fun:-)

Those little "sneaky God thangs" (tip of the hat to Fr. John Paul) that make me realize 1) God's watching, 2) He cares, and 3) He has a sense of humor.

Friends who continue to encourage me to give things a try despite my lack of confidence.

A trip to the ropes course next Saturday. As much as anything else, it's knowing that this much-anticipated day is approaching that's giving me the motivation to keep studying and get through cardio.

Family and friends that recognize my need to take care of people and let me do that without complaining.

Study sessions with Steve and BA. Part productivity, part comedy act, pure genius.

Notre Dame alums. Constant reminders of why it's good not to take sports seriously.

Phone conversations with my parents keeping me up to date on their lives and what's happening with my siblings. Don't know what I'd do without those.

Knowing that I've got my plane tickets home for Thanksgiving:-D

Yep, I definitely have lots to be thankful for. Back to studying now, but with a little less tension than before:-)

Peace and God bless!

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